Shaping Liveable and Sustainable Cities: FCL’s research showcase and highlights at the World Cities Summit Symposium 2024

2-4 June | A recap of what happened at the recent World Cities Summit 2024.

SEC’s Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) Global programme was proud to be the official strategic partner of the World Cities Summit (WCS) this year in Singapore. The 9th edition of the biennial event saw over 3,500 delegates in attendance from all over the world covening on the theme 'Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Rejuvenate, Reinvent, Reimagine'.

On 2 June, as part of the WCS Science of Cities (SoC) Symposium, our researchers from FCL Global, Cooling Singapore 2.0, and Future Resilient Systems (FRS) contributed their latest research insights through thematic panel discussions, presentations and posters, aimed at shaping the future of urban living and environments. Targeted at academics, the SoC Symposium brought together international researchers, city, and industry leaders to share their scientific insights and methodologies on tackling urban challenges.

panel speakers-thomas-kristina-sri

As part of the first panel discussion on Science of Climate Adapative Cities, Programme Director of FCL Global, Singapore, and Principal Investigator of Dense and Green Cities (Singapore), external pageProf. Dr Thomas Schroepfer was one of the keynote speakers and presented FCLG’s innovative key projects that illustrated effective strategies in urban heat reduction, flood management and energy efficiency, emphasising the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to build sustainable, resilient cities.

prof kristina fclg

In the same panel session, Associate Director of FCL Global and Module Coordinator of Dense and Green Cities, Singapore, Dr Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan gave an oral presentation on elevating urban ecology, while Lead Principal Investigator of Cooling Singapore Project, Dr Kristina Orehounig presented on the Digital Urban Climate Twin (DUCT).

From the Future Resilient Systems programme, Founder and the Principal Investigator of NUS Urban Climate Design Lab, Prof. Dr Yuan Chao presented his study on high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and field measurements of airflow to reduce heat in high-density coastal cities.

Dr Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan was also invited to present her work to Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for National Development of Singapore on 3 June.

FCLG PhD and Postdoctoral researchers (Mr Zhou Jiazu, Mr Kang Jidong, Dr Michelle Yingying Jiang and Ms. Yuqin Zhong) also gave poster presentations on the topics of Science of Climate Adaptive and People-Centric Cities respectively.

Sri-Presentation to Minister Desmond Lee

As part of the second panel speaking on Science of People Centric Cities, FCL Global Principal Investigator and Postdoctoral Researcher of Architectural Cognition in Practice, Prof. Dr Christoph Hölscher and Dr Lara Gregorians presented their research on offering a framework for integrating user cognition evidence into architectural design.  

panel 1 speaker- prof christoph
Image: World Cities Summit

Our researchers; FCLG Research Assistant of Agropolitan Territories of Monsoon Asia, Mr Joshua Vargas; FCLG Postdoctoral Researcher of Semantic Urban Elements, Dr Cai Chenyi; FCLG PhD Researcher of Dense and Green Cities, Ms Anjanaa Devi Srikanth; Postdoctoral Researcher of Adaptive Mobility, Land Use and Infrastructure, Dr Ye Qiming; FRS PhD Researcher of Resilience Analysis of High-Density Urban Systems, Lawrence Tseng Ting-Hsiang; FRS Research Associate/ PhD Researcher of Urban Climate Resilience, Pradeep Alva; FRS Research Assistant, external pageTanya Talwar; and FRS PhD Researcher of Data Network Resilience in Cyber-​Physical Systems, Yang Yang; were also selected as change-makers in the urban sector and were invited to WCS Young Leaders Symposium. Through a panel discussion, they shared their expertise and ideas on the future of building resilient, inclusive communities, enhancing urban living and preparing for future crises.

Congratulations to all researchers who were present at the World Cities Summit to showcase their research - an incredible opportunity to mould the cityscape of the future!

researchers-prof renate
Image: World Cities Summit
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