Qiming YE

Postdoctoral Researcher of Adaptive Mobility, Land Use and Infrastructure



Qiming joined the Adaptive Mobility, Land-use and Infrastructure (AMIL) Module of Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) at Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) in February 2023. The research program explores the adaptive planning of transport infrastructure under uncertainties using AI-based technologies. The PIs for this program involves the professor and deputy head of Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering of ETH Zurch, Prof Dr Bryan T Adey, the presidential young (Assistant) Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore, external page Prof Dr Prateek Bansal.

Prior to that, he was a PhD, TA, and PhD Rep (2019-2020) at the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) at Imperial College London. His PhD research focuses on modelling urban street configurations for autonomous vehicle flows. He was supervised by external page Prof Dr Panagiotis Angeloudis who directs the Transport Systems & Logistics Laboratory (TSL), and external page Prof Dr Marc E J Stettler directing the Transport & Environment Laboratory (TEL) at Imperial.

His research focuses on advancing AI-integrated planning decision tools to address key challenges in smart cities and intelligent transportation systems, encompassing electric vehicle charging infrastructure planning, microscopic traffic modelling, vehicle-to-grid integration, autonomous vehicles, intelligent road infrastructure management, parking and PUDO optimisation, and low-carbon and active mobility strategies.
Specifically, his current research focuses on:

  • Spatiotemporal planning of EV charging infrastructure under uncertainties.
  • Shared Electric and Autonomous Vehicle (SEAVs) urban traffic simulation.
  • Optimisation of large-scale urban parking spaces.
  • Dynamic PUDO operations for a urban large network.
  • Dynamic allocation of road space to road users of a large urban network.
  • Reinforcement learning and metaheuristics-integrated urban and transport planning

Qiming received his Bachelor's (2013) and Master's Degrees (2016) in urban planning from Tongji University, China. He also received an additional Master's Degree (2016) in urban planning and policy design from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.



  • 2023 Best Research Paper Award for the TRB Urban Freight Transportation Committee
  • 2016 Shanghai Excellent Graduate Award, Department of Education of Shanghai Municipality
  • 2013 Academy Award of Excellent Graduate, Tongji University
  • 2013 Cross-strait 20 Graduate Design Competition, 2nd prize
  • 2010 East Asia Urban Design, Bronze Medal


  1. Q.Ye, P.Bansal, and B.T.Adey (2024). external page Multi-period charging infrastructure planning under uncertainty: Challenges and opportunities, Sustainable Cities and Society: 105908, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2024.105908

  2. Q.Ye, P.Bansal, Y.Feng, S.Hu, M.Stettler and P.Angeloudis (2024). external page Optimisation of Urban On-street Parking Space for Autonomous Vehicles, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Pre-print: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4891519 (Under review after major revision).
  3. Q.Ye, P.Bansal, and B.T.Adey (2024). external page Enabling Multi-phase Stochastic Planning for Shared Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure using Reinforcement Learning, Sustainable Cities and Society, Pre-print: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5016879 (Under review after passing desk).

  4. Y.Feng, Q.Ye, L.Camarcat, B.Hu, P.Angeloudis, M.Quddus and W.Y.Ochieng (2024). Risk-aware hypergraph representation learning for map-free trajectory prediction, IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, (Under review after major revision).

  5. Q.Ye, Y.Feng, J.J.E. Macias, M.Stettler and P.Angeloudis, external page Adaptive Road Configurations for Improved Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions Using Reinforcement Learning, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3220110.

  6. Q.Ye, Y.Feng, J.Qiu, M.Stettler and P.Angeloudis (2022). external page Approximate Optimum Curbside Utilisation for Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PUDO) and Parking Demands Using Reinforcement Learning, IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2022, pp. 2628-2633, doi:10.1109/ITSC55140.2022.9922036.

  7. Q.Ye, Y.Feng, E.Candela, J.Escribano-Macias, M.Stettler, P.Angeloudis (2022). external page Spatial-Temporal Flows-Adaptive Street Layout Control Using Reinforcement Learning, Sustainability, 14(1), p.107.

  8. Q.Ye, S.Stebbins, Y,Feng, E.Candela, M.Stettler, P.Angeloudis (2020). external page Intelligent Management of On-street Parking Provision for the Autonomous Vehicles Era, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2020. doi: 10.1109/ITSC45102.2020.9294527.

  9. Q.Ye, Y.Feng, J.Han, M.Stettler, P.Angeloudis (2022). A Reinforcement Learning-based Adaptive Control Model for Future Street Planning: An Algorithm and A Case Study, Proceeding of 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.05434.

  10. Y.Liu, Q.Ye, Y.Feng, J. Escribano-Macias, P.Angeloudis (2021). Location-routing Optimisation for Urban Logistics Using Mobile Parcel Locker Based on Hybrid Q-Learning Algorithm, Transport Research Board (TRB) 2021. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.15485 (2021).

  11. Y.Liu, J. Escribano-Macias, K. Zhang, Q.Ye, P.Angeloudis (2022). Customer Behaviour Analysis for Coordinated Delivery Service Using Mobile Parcel Lockers and Autonomous Robots: A Congestion-Game Model, Transport Research Board (TRB) 2022 (Best Research Paper Award for the TRB Urban Freight Transportation Committee)

  12. E.Anastasiadis, P.Angeloudis, D.Ainalis, Q.Ye, Y.P.Hsu, R.Karamanis, M.Stettler (2021). external page On the Selection of Charging Facility Locations for EV-Based Ride-Hailing Services: A Computational Case Study. Sustainability, 13(1), 168.

  13. E.Anastasiadis, P.Angeloudis, D.Ainalis, Q.Ye, Y.P.Hsu, R.Karamanis, M.Stettler (2019). external page A bilevel optimisation model for the selection of parking and charging facilities for EV-based ride-hailing services, 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2019)

  14. Z.Wu, Y.Pan, Q.Ye, L.Kong (2016). external page The City Intelligence Quotient (City IQ) Evaluation System: Conception and Evaluation. Engineering, 2016, 2(2): 196-211. ISSN: 2095-8099

  15. L.Wang, Q.Ye, X.Jiang (2015). external page Strategic Planning of Chicago Towards a Global City Region. Urban Planning International, 30(4): 34-40, ISSN: 1673-9493

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