FCL Global meets Dr Alfonso Vegara in Zurich

FCL Global gave Dr Alfonso Vegara a tour of the Arch-Tech lab and introduced him to programme's research activities.

On 15 May, FCL Global welcomed Dr Alfonso Vegara to Zurich. He is the founder and honorary president of the external pageMetropoli Foundation, 'Building a Sustainable Future'.

Dr Vegara has also served as the president of ISOCARP, the International Society of City and Regional Planners. In addition, he is a fellow and trustee of the Eisenhower Fellowship. Since 2005, he has been the external pageHonorary Consul General for Singapore in Madrid. Dr Vegara has strong connections in Singapore, where he serves on the jury for the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize. He has also been an advisor to the Singapore government for more than 15 years, working closely with the external pageCentre for Livable Cities.

Executive Director Prof. Sacha Menz and Associate Director of Research Dr Julio Paulos welcomed Dr Vegara. They gave him a tour of the Arch-Tech lab and introduced him to the wide range of FCL Global's research activities.

Dense and Green module coordinator Dr Michelle Jiang and Powering the City module's PhD researcher Jason McCarthy presented the ongoing results of their research projects.

We look forward to exploring further collaboration with the Metropoli Foundation in the search for solutions for more sustainable urbanisation.

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