TIZZANI Francesco
PhD researcher of Circular Future Cities
external page francesco.tizzani@u.nus.edu
external page Francesco.tizzani@leightonasia.com
Francesco joined Circular Future Cities project as a researcher in January 2022 while starting his PhD at NUS, Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering.
He’s also working for Leighton Asia as Group Manager of Digital Construction helping the business to take full advantage of Technology and Innovation to automate our construction processes and deliver better projects to our clients.
Francesco is a Licensed Engineer in Italy and a RIBA Chartered Architect in the UK with extensive multidisciplinary experience across Europe and Asia as a Designer and Contractor delivering some of the most incredible infrastructures of the last decade.
Research Interests
- Circular Construction
- Digital Construction
- Data Management
- Construction Processes
- Automation in Construction
- MSc. In Architectural Engineering – University of Bologna
- Linkedin: external page Francesco Tizzani
Research interests
- Circular economy in the building sector
- Materials Flows and Stocks
- Environmental Impacts