Jean YOU

PhD Researcher of The Sea-City Interface research module


Jean is an advocate for vulnerable communities on the frontlines of climate change and is interested in helping cities incorporate climate risks into spatial planning and design. Her research interests also include evidence-based urban policies and long-term resilience investments.

Her professional experience includes working as an Urban Planning and Resilience Expert at UN-Habitat’s Urban Lab, providing technical advice to cities in the Global Future Cities Programme. She was a focal point for the programme’s climate-resilience portfolio in SEA and project manager for interventions in Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this, she was a Senior Planner at the New York City Department of City Planning and worked on policy and projects in land use, zoning, urban design, and architecture related to climate resilience (i.e., flooding).


  • MAUD and MdeS (Risk and Resilience) from Harvard GSD 
  • B.Arch from Cornell University

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