Dr Canh Xuan DO

Postdoctoral Researcher of Adaptive Mobility, Land Use and Infrastructure


Canh Do finished his Doctor of Engineering degree at Hiroshima University (HU) and then worked for HU before joining SEC in December 2022. He has mainly worked on developing state-of-the-art transport models and their applications, such as discrete choice models, activity-based and agent-based models. Additionally, he has applied several machine learning methods, such as unsupervised and supervised learning techniques, decision trees, random forests, and ANN.

In SEC, he will mainly work on the following:

  • Advancing the state-of-the-art agent-based, activity-based transport modeling and its application in adaptive infrastructure planning using the open-source modeling framework (i.e., MATSim).
  • Developing a discrete choice model and its extension to estimate against data from a large-scale social network survey.
  • Running the updated demand generation framework and extended MATSim capabilities for the Zürich, Singapore, and Higashi-Hiroshima implementations in a series of scenario investigations over the project's lifetime

Research interests

  • Agent-Based Transport Demand Modelling
  • Data-driven Travel Behavior Decisions
  • Urban and Transportation Planning
  • Spatial and non-spatial Statistics
  • Data visualization
  • Data science.


View Dr Canh Xuan Do's publications external page here.


  • D.Eng. in Transportation Engineering (Hiroshima University, Japan)
  • M.Eng. in Transportation and Highway Engineering (University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam)
  • B.Eng. in Bridge-Road Engineering - Civil Drafting and Engineering (University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam)