PhD Researcher of Resilient Blue-Green Infrastructures

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Nary is currently a PhD student in the ED-GRND doctoral school and works for Future Cities Lab Global (FCL). His research focuses on the assessment of ecosystem services provided by blue and green infrastructure in Antananarivo, Madagascar, by mobilising models based on functional traits, which traits will be assessed by using LIDAR data. His research also takes into account the demand for ecosystem services to finally compare supply and demand for future planning.

A forester by training, before starting his thesis, he worked as a technician in national environmental associations for the realization of various projects related with environment, such as implementation of the Nagoya protocol in Madagascar, and Environmental Impact Assessment of electrical infrastructures.


  • 2019 : Master in agricultural and environmental sciences, forestry and environment specialization; Department of Water and Forestry,
    Higher School of Agronomic Sciences
  • 2017 : Bachelor in agricultural and environmental sciences, Higher School of Agronomic Sciences




  • Department of Water and Forestry,
    Higher School of Agronomic Sciences (ESSA-Forêts), University of Antananarivo