Prof. Stefanie HELLWEG

Stefanie HELLWEG
Copyright: Giulia Marthaler

Principal Investigator of Circular Future Cities

Dr Stefanie Hellweg is principal investigator of the Circular Future Cities research module in Future Cities Lab Global and professor for Ecological Systems Design at ETH Zurich.

In her current research, Stefanie Hellweg works on modelling, evaluating and improving the environmental impact of products, technologies and consumption patterns. In particular, she is developing and applying methods of Life Cycle Assessment, Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy.

Stefanie Hellweg studied industrial engineering at Karlsruhe University and worked as a management consultant on projects in the field of waste management and energy production after graduating in 1996. She completed her PhD on the environmental assessment of thermal waste treatment processes at ETH Zurich in 2000.

After one year as a post-doctoral researcher, she worked as senior research assistant at the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering at ETH Zurich between 2003 and 2005, where she led several projects on the environmental assessment of chemical products and processes. Since 2006, she has been holding the Chair of Ecological Systems Design at ETH Zurich. Between 2004 and 2005, she was a visiting scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and in 2013 at Yale University in the US. She is member of the International Resource Panel of UN Environment and the president of the International Society of Industrial Ecology.