Prof. Dr Bruno Salomon RAMAMONJISOA


Co-Investigator of Resilient Blue-Green Infrastructures

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Prof. Dr Bruno Salomon Ramamonjisoa is the Co-Principal Investigator of the Resilient Blue-Green Infrastructures module at FCL Global. He also is the country representative for these projects:

  • Swiss Network for International Studies funded project, “Governance processes and sustainability impacts of the extractive industries in Madagascar”
  • Swiss National Science Foundation funded r4d project “Managing telecoupled landscapes for the sustainable provision of ecosystem services and poverty alleviation”
  • Swiss National Science Foundation funded r4d project “Experimental assessment of innovative slash and burn cultivation practices for sustainable land-use and deforestation prevention in Central Menabe, Madagascar (AGRIFEU)”
  • Swiss National Science Foundation-funded r4d project “Alaotra Resilience Landscape (AlaReLa). 

Since 2013, he has been the Director of the Doctoral Host Team of Economics and Policy of Natural Resources of the PhD school on "Natural resource management and development" at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar.

Research Interests

  • Environmental economics
  • Ecosystem services
  • Socio-ecological system development


  • International Council Representative of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)


  • Eschen, René, Purity Rima Mbaabu, Bruno Salomon Ramamonjisoa, and Carmenza Robledo-Abad. 2021. ‘Factors Enhancing the Level of Utilisation of Research Knowledge on Ecosystems’. PLOS ONE 16 (7): e0254752. external page
  • Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N., Enrico Celio, Jorge C. Llopis, Zo H. Rabemananjara, Bruno S. Ramamonjisoa, and Adrienne Grêt-Regamey. 2020. ‘Participatory Bayesian Network Modeling to Understand Driving Factors of Land-Use Change Decisions: Insights from Two Case Studies in Northeast Madagascar’. Journal of Land Use Science 0 (0): 1–22. external page
  • Wilmé, Lucienne, John L. Innes, Derek Schuurman, Bruno Ramamonjisoa, Marion Langrand, Charles V. Barber, Rhett A. Butler, George Wittemyer, and Patrick O. Waeber. 2020. ‘The Elephant in the Room: Madagascar’s Rosewood Stocks and Stockpiles’. Conservation Letters 13 (4): e12714. external page
  • Waeber, Patrick O., Derek Schuurman, Bruno Ramamonjisoa, Marion Langrand, Charles V. Barber, John L. Innes, Porter P. Lowry, and Lucienne Wilmé. 2019. ‘Uplisting of Malagasy Precious Woods Critical for Their Survival’. Biological Conservation 235 (July): 89–92. external page
  • Reibelt, Lena M., Gabrielle Moser, Anne Dray, Ihoby H. Randriamalala, Juliette Chamagne, Bruno Ramamonjisoa, Luis Garcia Barrios, Claude Garcia, and Patrick O. Waeber. 2019. ‘Tool Development to Understand Rural Resource Users’ Land Use and Impacts on Land Type Changes in Madagascar’. Madagascar Conservation & Development. external page
  • Ramamonjisoa, Bruno, Z. Hasina, Rabemananjara et S. Raharijaona "Valoriser les usages par l’application du "dina" dans deux cas de protection des forêts à Madagascar" dans Pierre Mousseron, Sigrid Aubert, Mamadou Badji, Lucas Bento de Carvalho, Aurélie Brès, et al, Valoriser les usages : Approches.... Pierre Mousseron. Institut des usages, 2020, Collection Droit des usages, Pierre Mousseron, 978-2-9571817-0-4. hal-02478466
  • Rabemananjara, Zo Hasina, Andriamanankasinarihaja Stefana Raharijaona, Sigrid Aubert, Bruno Salomon Ramamonjisoa, and Fanja Nirina Rakotoarisetra. 2016. ‘Vu d’ailleurs – Les limites juridiques et institutionnelles de 25 ans de gestion communautaire des ressources forestières (GCRF) à Madagascar’. In La gestion inclusive des forêts d’Afrique centrale. Passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs, edited by Gérard Buttoud and Jean-Claude Nguinguiri, 93–108. Libreville-Bogor: FAO-CIFOR.


  • Full professor at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar.
  • Professor (HDR), School of Agronomy, Department of Water and Forest (ESSA Forêts), University of Antananarivo, Madagascar.
  • PhD, School of Agronomy, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar.
  • MSc in Applied Biology, Faculty of Science, Forest Ecology Option, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar.
  • Engineer, School of Agronomy, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. (with a focus on waters and forests)