Alireza Javadian

Co-​Investigator of Urban BioCycles Mycelium Digitalisation
external page alireza.javadian@kit.edu

Dr. Alireza Javadian received his PhD in Architecture and Construction from ETH Zurich and is currently working as a Senior Researcher and Head of Research at Chair of Sustainable Construction at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and also as Co-Principal Investigator of the Urban BioCycles Mycelium Digitalisation module in the Future Cities Lab Global programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre.

Alireza is currently working on development of sustainable materials made from renewable resources such as bamboo, timber, agricultural waste and industrial by-products which can replace traditional and non-renewable materials mainly steel, concrete and synthetic polymers for applications in construction industry.

He received a distinguished award by the Singapore government for his work on developing Organic Fiber Composite Materials for Construction on the 50th anniversary of Singapore’ independence in 2015. Furthermore, he won the SMART Innovation Grant Singapore, the SAWIRIS Grant from ETH Zürich, a Swiss KTI project fund from Swiss National Research Foundation, and a ZUMTOBEL GROUP Award together with the research team in Singapore and Zürich. He has also co-founded the Spin-off company Widuz to commercialize high performance bamboo composite materials.


Alireza Javadian focuses on alternative composite fiber materials as reinforcement systems in concrete applications. He is researching the mechanical and physical properties of the material. His work includes establishing new norms and regulations for the production and testing of the material.


PhD ETH Zurich
MEng NUS Singapore, MSc NTU Singapore, MBA ARU Oxford


  • A*STAR Graduate Scholarship
  • SMART Innovation Grant Singapore
  • Sawiris Scholarship Grant ETH Global

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