Global Seminar | Games and participatory modelling for urban planning

8 Dec | Dr Nicolas Salliou presents the use of games in exploring urban transformation pathways, and the possibilities of games for change in sustainable development. Recording available now.

Global Seminar: Games

Global Seminars

Ideas, discussion and thinking on sustainable cities and settlement systems at theintersection of science, design, place and time.

Games and participatory modelling for urban planning

Games might not seem serious but humans get easily serious about games. For Johan Huizinga, games are the core devices for cultural novelty as they create a ‘magic circle’ where players can take risks without bearing the cost of real-world consequences. As cities must transition towards more sustainable states, games can help to explore innovative future pathways. They allow players to test new urban configurations and explore social compromises in a safe environment while having a meaningful experience to reflect on. This talk introduces a historical perspective on the underestimated role of games, from antic war games to Olympic games. We will discuss recent developments in the use of games for change in research and practice, especially in the context of sustainable development. This will be evidenced through ongoing work on the use of games for exploring urban transformation pathways. Finally, the talk will reflect on the fundamental questions that remain unresolved in order to harvest the full potential of games for change.


Dr Nicolas Salliou
Module coordinator, Resilient Blue-Green Infrastructures, FCL Global

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