Dense+Green cities: an essay

Prof. Thomas Schroepfer provides a brief overview of the Dense and Green research approach, the various dimensions covered in the book and a short summary of the main research findings in an essay on Paysage.

by Ghayathiri Sondarajan
Dense+Green cities

The external pageDense+Green Cities: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem book explores the interaction between buildings and the city as ecological systems in terms of the concept, planning, design, technology, and experience. The book demonstrates how our continuously densifying cities can inextricably and consistently interact with the active provision of dynamic, and often public, green spaces on elevated levels.

In an essay written by Prof. Thomas Schroepfer from the Dense and Green Building Typologies team at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) programme, provides a brief overview of the Dense and Green research approach, the various dimensions that are covered using case studies in the book and a short summary of the main research findings.

Some of the key findings show that dense and green buildings provide important regulating services such as mitigating the heat island effect, supporting services such as increasing urban biodiversity and resilience, and socio-cultural services such as fostering social and cultural integration through the usage of a shared space.

The essay external page"Dense+Green cities: Architettura come ecosistema urbano" is published in Paysage.

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