Planning work-live spaces post-pandemic

"Big ideas do not always emerge from planned interactions. Cultures of innovation require lateral inputs that are not always planned," says Prof. Stephen Cairns in an article in The Straits Times.

by Geraldine Ee Li Leng
Source: The Straits Times
Source: The Straits Times

If anything, the coronavirus pandemic has sharpened the need for workplaces to be located closer to homes, while increasing the recreational and residential options in the city centre, wrote journalist Michelle Ng in an article in the Straits Times.

In "Coronavirus pandemic highlights need to move offices closer to homes", which describes how spaces should be planned post-COVID-19, Prof. Stephen Cairns said that factors such as the ease of mobility play a part. "Citizens need more choices in how and when they move around. Walking, cycling and emerging mobility-as-a-service systems, such as ride-sharing, will be very important," he said.

Prof. Cairns also emphasised the importance of opportunities for interaction in promoting a culture of innovation.

"Big ideas do not always emerge from planned interactions. Cultures of innovation require lateral inputs that are not always planned but happen through serendipity, accident, chance and play."

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